It Director - IT Support Group

Management Solutions

IT solutions for business have ceased to be solely a technology service over. The issue is not only about transaction accounting and supporting the operation of equipment anymore. IT infrastructure is now the skeleton of any business today. Information technology creates new business processes, speeds up and optimizes existing ones, saves time, allowing companies at the to earn more.

Management Solutions <br> Outsourcing


Once the IT block development is integrated into the company's strategy, the IT specialists' area of responsibility expands. At some point, the IT department finds itself in need of a leader. A interpreter from the IT language to the language of business — and vice versa.

A specialist who will manage the entire IT-infrastructure of the company, using the optimal combination of people, processes, and technologies. A person who makes strategic decisions and is responsible for them. We offer Chief Information Officer outsourcing services — the kind of person you need.

  • Expertise in IT strategies and risk management

  • Responsibility for management decisions

  • QA of the IT specialists' performance

  • Significant acceleration of IT processes by reducing the decision-making chain

  • Optimization of current and future IT-costs of the company

Who is CIO?

IT is an innovation that increases business performance. And CIO is responsible for elaboration and implementation of these innovations. He is not a technician «to make everything work». CIO is a manager, business analyst, lawyer, accountant and HR in one person (but only as part of the IT management).

While the IT unit is the skeleton of the company, the CIO is the spine.

What business needs it?

Global practice shows that IT-outsourcing allows to reduce expenses on IT by 20% on average (depending on the market and business specifics). Outsourcing of management solutions in IT will allow to save money, also it considerably increases the efficiency of the IT unit.



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Large companies with a long decision-making chain
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To optimize decision-making timing and increase efficiency
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Businesses planning to implement technological innovations
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To properly build innovation into the life of the company
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Enterprises that plan to develop IT area
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To avoid the mistakes of others and have a clear view of the future of IT
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Companies that need a person skilled in IT, who will take executive decisions and take responsibility for the result
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To safely outsource the IT direction to a Professional focusing on other business development tasks
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Businesses that have grown from a technology service to an IT unit
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To increase the efficiency of IT infrastructure

Reason To Believe

  • Experience Experience

    CIO is a specialist with a wider horizon than an in-house IT unit manager might have. An outsourced CIO has to work with several companies of different sizes and specifics, so he has a provenready-to-use solutions.

  • Skills and Results Skills and Results

    CIO has expertise in IT strategies and risk management. He selects the optimal IT solutions for business scaling, takes responsibility and guarantees results.

  • Responsibility Responsibility

    Participates in Strategic Planning: elaborates, secures and takes responsibility for implementing ideas for business technological upgrade. Plans financial resources, supervises expenses for IT department.

  • Resource Resource

    Saves time for the company management, taking care of the project paperwork, estimates, plans and reports.

About CIO

«CIO is a specialist responsible for ensuring everything works, but also that it grows in a planned manner. For example, the area of responsibility of an average system administrators is very narrow, and they can simply opt out of tasks on the not-my-job grounds. And, by the way, they are doing it with full rights. CIO is responsible for every technological process and all related processes. The number of questions that such a specialist will not be able to answer, tends to zero. The CIO is not only a hand, but also a head. Qualification, creative approach, responsibility.»

Dmitri Reznichenko,
Сhief Service Officer
Dmitri Reznichenko, Сhief Service Officer IT Support Group
  • We usually exclude small companies from having a CIO. At this size of business, decisions are made by the owner or manager, and IT-outsourcing is enough to fulfill them. However, the client's wish is the law (within a reason).

    Outsourcing. Small Business Offer

    Helping to grow

    Company development strategy analysis, key points determination of IT-solutions implementation (working time control systems or routine tasks automation).

    with staff

    Verification of IT-specialists qualifications, assistance in the recruitment of applicants.

    It Director

    IT infrastructure

    Finding the best IT solutions to optimize business processes.

  • An outsourced CIO for production companies is a person who takes the burden of IT maintenance headaches off the top management. Besides setting up the entire IT infrastructure of production and taking over the management of in-house specialists, we also share the responsibility for achieving KPI with the Heads of other functional departments.

    Outsourcing. Proposal for large production

    Taking responsibility

    We shorten the decision-making chain, concentrating the key IT-decisions in the area of responsibility of one specialist, prepare cost estimates and project paperwork.

    Becoming a partner

    Participation in financial and strategic planning of the company, budgeting and protection, implementing new technological solutions from idea to launch at any level.

    It Director

    Guaranteeing result

    Once all the preparatory work has been done, CIO sets KPIs for his work, vouching by reputation for their achievement.

    Equipment update &
    finding the best solutions

    Complete inventory of all equipment & information systems. We dispose of the old, help you buy new.

  • We help to find strengths and weaknesses of IT-infrastructure, offer optimal solutions to increase business efficiency.

    Outsourcing. Offer for trading companies

    Increasing business efficiency

    Analysis of business processes associated with the use of IT-products, revealing bling spots and shortcomings, the introduction of solutions to accelerate processes and minimize the impact of human factors.

    Managing the operation

    CIO undertakes the task prioritization and supervision of their performance within the framework of the company's IT-products development plan.

    It Director

    Getting the
    synergies right

    CIO proposes, secures and implements optimal IT solutions to accelerate communication between departments, branches, individual employees, staff and management.

  • We work fast, clear and productive, keeping all the headquarters standards.

    Outsourcing. Offer for foreign missions

    Solving tasks
    outside the IT

    Logistics, equipment procurement, IT recruitment, estimates, project documentation, strategies, plans, protection of projects in front of the management. Although we are IT specialists, it is essential for us to help our partner solve all possible problems in order to make the business work properly, ensuring growth and development.

    Adjusting to your
    schedule and time zone

    Foreign representative offices work a little differently, in particular because of the time difference. We understand this and adjust to the schedule you are comfortable with.

    It Director

    Communicating with
    the head office

    The CIO takes care of all communications with the company's head office and is responsible for ensuring that the company adapts its work to the necessary standards and regulations. He can handle communications in English.

How it works


Running IT-infrastructure audit

First and most important — we meticulously examine the state of the business in your company, figure out how the IT-infrastructure works, what its strengths and weaknesses are, and how its functioning affects the development of the business. It is easier with those companies that use our IT-outsourcing service. We already know the scope, type and frequency of requests, we know the goals and objectives of the IT unit.


Analizing IT unit performance

Checking how the IT-department works, it’s hierarchy, who sets tasks, how they are performed. If necessary, we check the qualifications of specialists.


Defining strategic goals

Review the business development strategy, determine the directions for IT-development in accordance with the vector of the company's growth. Estimating the amount of work and hours.


Assigning Expert

A certain specialist is assigned to the company. He makes a schedule and starts to move towards fulfilling the potential of the IT area.


Displaying the result

The business can request a detailed report on the work done and results at any time. Once at an agreed time (e.g., month, quarter or year), the CIO prepares a report himself, highlighting specifically the results achieved.

Calculate a cost
for your business

The price of each project is individual.

Leave your request and we will calculate the cost for your company.

Included in price:

White CheckProactive approach

White CheckSolution design & delivery to new business product support, technology implementation

White CheckSupport of information systems

White CheckPurchasing of IT equipment and certificates

White CheckCollaboration with partners on contracts, equipment supplies, software, accessories, consumables, and various services

White CheckParticipation in financial planning

White CheckParticipation in strategic planning of the company's development

Point of difference

IT audit. Convenient and understandable report forms

The fundamental difference between regular IT-outsourcing and the Management Solutions Outsourcing is that CIO is responsible for the current state of affairs in the IT unit of the company, and also takes a fundamentally new type of responsibility, including strategic planning.

The key is that these are two different services. The CIO can manage your in-house specialists, or outsource an IT Support team. The team is the hands, the CIO is the think tank.

Related products


Setup, configuration and maintenance of server and network equipment.
