Service center
Our company has its own service center, these are IT masters who diagnose and repair clients' equipment. Service maintenance is always provided along with other our products: outsourcing, outstaffing, software and hardware sales.
How it works
We notify the client and after receiving approval, we start work
We estimate the cost of repairing or upgrading equipment
We diagnose and make a backup according to standards
We receive equipment from field specialists
19 years of expertise
«For all the time we have been working, we have accumulated knowledge, experience and expertise in the maintenance of office equipment. This knowledge base helped us form work standards, built processes and develop a training system for interns, who come to work in our service center.»
We have a separate standard for how to diagnose equipment: it specifies the tools, time and methods for diagnosing the power supply, monitor, memory and hard drive.
Previously, we used a block-based diagnostic system where each PC block is checked successively. But now having built up new competencies, we are able to combine this process and reduce the verification time to several hours.
Our service center has a separate machine designed only for backups of client computers. It is necessary in order to create backups of every computer that comes to us, even if the hard drive works properly.
The client receives a guarantee that his data is safe and can always be restored.
All employees of the service center work using electronic templates and checklists in a special application. This saves time for both us and the client: IT masters of our service center will be able to diagnose or back up equipment on their own without missing any aspect, and the field technician will not waste time for rechecking at the client's office.