IT outsourcing
We provide outsourcing services for the successful solution of business problems when the company's own IT capacities are not enough. In this case, we act as assistants and take over the entire IT infrastructure of the company.

support -
specialists -
center -
Equipment and software sales
How IT outsourcing works
and consult -
Take over
your IT tasks -
an agreement -
an audit
Benefits of IT outsourcing
«We understand the importance of uninterrupted office operation, and we also know how different departments of the company depend on the efficiency of business processes in the IT department. Therefore, we are ready to provide high-quality outsourcing of your IT infrastructure. What is IT service for organizations? Outsourcing of IT services is a full-fledged department for replacement and support of full-time IT specialists. Providing outsourcing in the IT field, we will help in the maintenance and repair of computers, networks and servers, protect the office from cyber threats, monitor the correct operation of important programs (1C, CRM, mail clients), refill printers, process user requests through a single call center.
Contact us! Our experience is at your service!»

In companies where IT is an integral part of the business, it is very important to have an employee you can rely on. We offer as many as 90 masters who specialize in various areas of IT.
We know the specifics
of your businessFor 19 years of work, we have worked with 500 companies from various industries and fields.
We expand
IT capabilitiesWe will optimize existing resources and engage new ones so that your business can grow.
We will provide
reports on the workWe determine KPI and send reports on the results of the achievements.
We will guarantee
the resultWe are responsible for the quality of the services provided, technology, recommendations and suppliers.
In manufacturing companies, we act as the main IT assistant and partner. We establish the entire IT infrastructure of production and take over the management of full-time IT specialists.
We adjust
the performance of 1CWe will optimize 1C and install all the necessary components to reduce downtime. We will establish fast and effective communication between departments.
We will update
the equipmentWe will carry out an inventory of all your equipment: we will dispose of the old and purchase replacements.
We will create
the infrastructure for
a new branchIn case of expansion of production, we will ensure smooth integration of branches.
We manage your
full-time IT departmentWe act as a governing body: we will optimize the staff, set KPIs, and make sure that the work of the IT department is beneficial to your business.
We will help your business develop: we have high competence in all areas of IT, and reliable partners that we can vouch for. We work out your requests through SLA, and we solve them quickly and efficiently.
We will conduct an audit of the IT infrastructureWe will check the performance of your IT and give recommendations on how to optimize it.
We will process all the applications
at the same timeWe employ 90 IT specialists. This allows us to process a large flow of incoming requests at the same time and reduce the downtime.
We will solve a problem at your place with the help of our field specialistsFor problems that need to be resolved on site, we have a full field IT department. They will come, solve the problem, and also pick up and bring the equipment that needs to be repaired.
We will increase the level of satisfaction with
the IT departmentWe will reduce the number of incoming requests per month and increase the level of satisfaction with the IT department within the company.
The most important thing in our work is the speed and quality of problem-solving. We process all incoming requests within 15 minutes, have a wide range of services: remote support, project management, 1C consultations. We work according to the SLA customized for your company.
We are always in touchWe work 7 days a week, without days off and holidays. We have our own system for monitoring the health of server and network equipment.
We speak EnglishAll of our specialists undergo regular certification in order to increase their expertise in IT. If necessary, we can provide service in English.
We take over communication with your head officeWe work under the guidance of head IT departments and adjust our processes and standards to suit you completely.
We solve problems not related to IT directlyWe solve problems related not only to IT maintenance, but also to 1C, design works, equipment purchase and logistics.
Outsourcing service system
Process description
We install the Asista outsourcing service system for all clients.
It is convenient software in which you can leave a request and track its progress, view the history of processes by specialist, date or type of request.
Within 15 minutes, we process your request and assign an IT specialist to solve your problem. After that, the appointed specialist will contact you to clarify the details.
The time it takes to solve a problem always differs and depends on the difficulty you are facing. If necessary, we will redirect the request to the field specialists department in order to resolve it right in your office.
Transparency of processes and your honest feedback about working with us are important to us. Therefore, after the request is closed, you can assess the work of the IT specialist and leave your comment.

Find out the final cost from our manager*
Before we sign a contract, we conduct an audit (survey of your IT infrastructure)
What's included in the price?
- Remote support 7 days a week
- Unlimited number of IT specialist visits
- Maintenance of office equipment
- Network configuration and software installation
- Installation of programs required for work (full MS Office package, printer connection)
- Installation and update of antivirus software
- Installation and configuration of 1C
- Configuration and update of Java
- Purchase and installation of certificates
- Server configuration and maintenance
- Monitoring server and network equipment Zabbix
What is outstaffing? This is when we assign one IT specialist or a whole team to work in the client's office
- You get a qualified IT specialist and his or her «backup», a substitute specialist, in case the first one gets sick
- You do not have to deal with the papers: we work under a standard service agreement, and all personnel documentation is maintained by us
- If the company has a problem that the outstaffer can't solve, our department of field and server specialists and the line III of remote support will lend a hand
- Outstaffer works not only as an IT specialist, but also acts as an IT manager carrying out all communication with service and server specialists
Installation, configuration and maintenance of server and network equipment.