Cases - IT Support Group


Maslo-Del Production company
Vernost Kachestvu
Stynergy Production company
Imstalcon Production company
RG Brands Trade company
BBS Trade Company
PN Kazakhstan Trade company
Wellness Solutions Trade company
Complex Bar Trade company
Grata Accounting
Daren Public Function House
Sony Electronics
Johnson & Johnson


Production company

Years of cooperation

Since 2013 to date


The company approached us to replace the full-time IT department and outsource the IT infrastructure. The second time the company approached us again after a year-and-a-half pause. Newly hired full-time specialists could not ensure uninterrupted operation of production as the server worked slowly, and 1C and shipments stopped working.


We provide IT services for the entire company: the main office, main production facilities (2 large factories in Almaty), oil and fat plant, all branches in 17 regions, the entire network, server and mail infrastructure; messaging and folder exchange and 1C with the help of our partner, LLP "named after Turing" company. We provide support for about 500 users.

Vernost Kachestvu

Production company

Years of cooperation

Since 2010 to date


The company asked us to build an infrastructure from scratch, set up accounting and sales department, and to ensure uninterrupted operation of production in Almaty and Shymkent. 


We have been working together since 2010 and help the company to scale: at first we supported the company with one sales department, now they have grown into a full-fledged production. The company relocated at least 6 times, and we arranged all the relocations day to day for an office with 20 employees. Thanks to us, their relocations have become painless.


Production company

Years of cooperation

Since 2017 to date


The entire infrastructure went down when their full-time IT specialist wanted to do server mirroring. As a result, they lost half of their data including all backups. Production stopped for 200 users. They contacted us to help restore servers and IT infrastructure.


First of all, we tried to recover the data, and sent the hard drives to Moscow for recovery. They couldn’t recover the data, but within 2 days we reinstated the servers and the accounting system from scratch and their shipment started again (it was the biggest task and we completed it only in a day and a half). We examined the entire server infrastructure from scratch and configured it to be fault-tolerant. We hired their former IT specialist and trained him. After that he joined Imstalcon.


Production company

Years of cooperation

Since 2017 to date


It’s a huge holding that has 4.5 thousand employees. It consists of several factories, and construction and assembly companies. We managed to help them in a difficult economic situation when their IT infrastructure got stuck in the late 90s and there were no servers, a unified accounting system, standards and modern computer technologies. We had to help them catch up with modern IT state of art.


In 4 months we took over the management, and in 3 months we introduced a single infrastructure to the head office with unified OS, software, mail client and file hosting. Over the next year, we built a server infrastructure so that the accounting system was placed on a single server owned by Imstalcon. We restored all their data (they used to be owned by the company serving the holding on 1C), so now the head office is a modern business with a modern infrastructure, and the data is under the control of the company, and properly secured. Now we are engaged in servicing servers; the company also has hired its own IT specialists. In order for us to modernize their infrastructure, we took over 1C maintenance (this task took a whole year). The most important achievement is that the company now doesn’t depend on any subcontractor.

RG Brands

Trade company

Years of cooperation



At the time company had 900 users. Their CIO asked us to help build the IT infrastructure. At first, 2 outstaffers were provided. Then we added 2 more users instead of the regular ones. As a result, the entire IT staff (server and network specialists) left and we replaced them with 10 ITSG specialists. 


We introduced unified standards for computers, changed the fleet of computers, and implemented a project on moving to a new unified standard with all-in-one computers and Office 365 as well. We were able to provide work without purchasing new servers. We served both the head office and the plant in Aksengir. Over the years of cooperation, we introduced a unified registration system for accepting request, and reduced the number of requests from thousands per month to several hundred. We conduct the survey on satisfaction with the work of IT department, and the satisfaction level went from 1.5 to 4.1 points. Even after we have ended the cooperation, some of their employees continue to contact us.


Trade Company

Years of cooperation

Since 2017 to date


There were no IT specialists in the company and the director asked us to take over all the work on the IT infrastructure, removing the load from non-core specialists.


We deal with the entire infrastructure, servers, and help with 1C and telephony tasks. Their production is growing, they start exporting their products to Russia. By invitation of the head of the company we participate in the selection of new flavors as a focus group.

PN Kazakhstan

Trade company

Years of partnership

Since 2017


1C worked slowly, part-time IT specialists were unreliable. We participated in their tender procedure, and we were chosen by IT specialists from Moscow. We took over service (they had been outsourced).


As soon as we got to work, we received a whole list of tasks from the Moscow office. Three months later, we made Kazakhstan branch meet the standards set in Moscow. A year later, the server was replaced. We still work with them.

Wellness Solutions

Trade company

Years of cooperation

Since 2013 to date


The director was an IT specialist himself and the entire infrastructure was his responsibility. He hired us for outsourcing services.


We took over all IT tasks, during the cooperation time the company has grown 5 times. Now we are fully responsible for their infrastructure: video surveillance, servers and representatives in the regions.

Complex Bar

Trade company 

Years of cooperation 

Since 2018 to date


They had full-time IT specialists who couldn’t handle the workload. The director asked us for an IT audit as they was about to move to a new office and there were fears that their IT personnel would not set up IT infrastructure at the new place.


We carried out an audit of the IT infrastructure, made all computers and servers meet uniform standards, helped to relocate to a new office with no accidents. After a while they asked us to take their Nur-Sultan branch. Now we serve both branches.

Grata Accounting

outsourcing company

Years of cooperation 

Since 2014 to date


They had one full-time specialist, whom we came to help with computers, printers and servers.


Grata International was a holding that later became a separate enterprise. In order to provide all the databases, we needed a full-fledged IT infrastructure: we bought a new inexpensive server, did all the maintenance. Now everything works fast and there are backups. We provided the opportunity to work remotely.

Daren Public Function House


Years of cooperation

Since 2016 to date


Their IT department was not doing the job well, and we were recommended by other IT specialists. 


We sorted out all the cables which were in a deplorable state, went through the IT logic, servers and set up correct backup and server security. Now their accountant does not have to delve into IT problems. The company owned an ice cream café, and it was tasked to connect this venue to Internet, so the accounting department of the café would work online. This was a detached building in the park without a single provider there or a single low-current outlet in the building. We did all IP through GSM and set up the Internet connection.

Sony Electronics

Representative office

Years of cooperation

Since 2014 to date


They were managed by another IT service company, we came to replace them, and work to this day.


We are managed by the Moscow IT department. We support the company's initially declared standards (global). We make regular reports to our Moscow colleagues.

Johnson & Johnson

Representative office

Years of cooperation

Since 2017 to date


They were served by another service company. We participated in a new tender, won it, and work to this day.


Globally, the IT infrastructure is subject to Atos, we are "hands and eyes" in terms of computers and technology. We deal with all agreements with IT contractors (supplies, Internet). Before that, they did it themselves and were unhappy with the results. We are responsible for ourselves and employees, and we take upon ourselves all the costs for our mistakes.


Representative office

Years of cooperation

Since 2017 to date


They asked us to outsource their IT staff and to hire their staff members.


hrough our processes of backing up we were able to ensure stable work so that leaving and changing of personnel would not be a problem to the team. The director is happy now since there is no need to deal with trifles. We began to participate in projects where IT is an auxiliary part.


Representative office

Years of cooperation

Since 2014 to date


There was an outsourcing company, they asked to draw up a commercial proposal. It was more expensive, but the company still took the risk by signing a contract with us. We work to this day under the management of the head office in Moscow. 


We provide the office with IP-telephony, Wi-Fi connection and maintain the servers. We ensure the international standards for this company so their IT is compliant. Nowadays Moscow office gives us instructions and we do all the IT stuff in the Almaty branch. We buy equipment, regularly introduce new users, help with air conditioners in the server room (they have special temperature sensors there). We optimized our own processes and reduced the number of applications due to the reliability of our services.


Representative office

Years of cooperation

Since 2015 to date


They were unhappy with the existing IT which were served by Toyota administrators. However they had good hardware (servers, UPS).


We arranged the existing equipment of the company. During the cooperation time, we have solved all issues related to accounting, warehouse management, internet connection, mail client and contractors. The company later went to other IT specialists, but after three months they returned. New problems were solved by us just in two weeks. We arranged the move, fully equipped the local network: restored and resuscitated the old one, so there was no need to make a new one.


Representative office

Years of cooperation

Since 2008 to date


The company did not have a full-time IT specialist, they were serviced by a Moscow office. The company asked us to help build the processes of interaction with the Moscow branch and take IT work here. 


We carried out the instructions of the Moscow office, always helped in their growth, purchased new equipment and equipped workplaces, moved to new venues, helped with installation tasks, and were auditors of cable power and low-current systems before taking the office into operation. For all the time we worked together, we used Moscow servers, then we built their own server infrastructure, and then moved to a data center in Netherlands, then moved to our own capacities again. During our work, in us the company has always found partners, who have always been fully involved in spite of the complexity of the tasks. Despite the fact that the director changed every 4 years, each time we won a tender (we were chosen by Moscow IT office). In other companies we have set up the infrastructure from scratch in a short time. We knew the standards and arranged everything according to them so that there would be no complaints from Moscow IT office. When all the companies moved into the united office, we acted as the assembly team that took over the building and completed the IT infrastructure. After the relocation, the company used our developments.


Representative office

Years of cooperation

Since 2014 to date


We won a tender for outsourcing, there were interviews with the local and Moscow branches, and there were many verification checks (which lasted for about six months)


We started to work to provide uninterrupted operation of the Almaty office: computers, equipment, routers. After the first year of work, we received a letter of gratitude. IT processes were developed in Moscow. After an external audit from the Moscow branch we helped to dismantle the old equipment fleet and write it off. Then a letter of gratitude came from the CIO in Moscow.


Representative office

Years of cooperation

Since 2008 to date


Served by a global IT outsourcing company and they were looking for a contractor in Kazakhstan. We were interviewed by global and local IT department and then signed a contract.


The global company has changed thrice during the time of work. The company has complex standards that we work with. We helped to organize four office relocations, arranged a server room, air conditioning, and purchased specific equipment within the framework of the standards. We participate in the beverage tests as a focus group. We underwent an IT audit by the crew from Turkey branch.


Representative office

Years of cooperation

Since 2017 to date


They had a full-time IT specialist who recommended us. Аfter that we met the director from Moscow. The task was to provide with Wi-Fi an office where the ceiling height is was 4 meters.


We took them over within a month. We developed a whole project with a Wi-Fi test. Today employees can enjoy seamless Wi-Fi.